by Jannett Morrow
/ˈfrēdəm/ - noun
1. the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. (www.google.com)
We are still a world governed by laws and rules. Wait, are we really? Things are not left to be free and run its own course, right? Right is not left, and left is not right, correct? There are still rules and regulations that need to be followed. I believe this is correct. What do you think?
We are free to speak, but there is a such thing as what we should and should not say. Because there can be undesirable consequences that come about if the wrong thing is said. There is still a such thing as to “what you should do” and “should not do”, “say or not say”. Again, because there can be undesirable consequences that come about if we do or say the wrong thing.
We are free, but to a certain degree. We have to see it as such. Why do I say to a certain degree? Well, we are free not to be in bondage or enslaved. That is ultimately where our freedom lays. More so than just freedom to do anything.
We take things too far I think, with the “you can’t tell me what to do”, or “I have the right to do what I want” attitudes. These attitudes are not good. Be real about it, do we want these attitudes to be ok?
Would you ok be with someone calling you, your child, or significant other names to their face? Would you feel some kind of way about this? I think so! Just the mere fact of having this feeling, let’s you know that you know something if wrong with this and that one is not free to do that. Right?
Listen, if these attitudes were ok, then it means everything is just a free for all. Chaos and lawlessness will ensue. This is not a good state to be in. We can see this at play, in what some other countries are facing currently.
No rule of law leads to destruction. It leads to rulership, only by those with money and in power. No room for real freedom to be present and realized. This is not how God intended things to be. The existence of justice and what is right helps there to be balance and fairness for all. However, when certain ideas enter in by people who only think about themselves, then the balance starts to tilt.
There are so many grey areas these days. This makes things to be distorted and the real meaning of something is watered down. Just like lying. It’s never ok to do it. However, when we call things “little white lies” ok, then sooner or later, everything is a little white lie, and no more truth is present. No more thought is given to the fact that we should not be lying in the first place. There is something wrong with that. This is bondage.
When we get numb to truth, then reality goes out the window. Alternative reality is now truth. Not good!
There is another definition of freedom that says it’s, the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint, according to google.com. This definition explains more of how some people think these days, than what freedom really means. It’s not a free for all!
Mental Wellbeing Exposed
Now a days people tend to focus a lot more on how they look externally and give less consideration to how they are internally. I guess because it’s much easier to deal with the outside, than it is the inside. Too much work. Just like pretending that you are not hurt when that is not the case. Why do we do this? It’s not healthy.
It takes a lot of energy to pretend. It can start to wear on you. Overload your mind. Gets you irritated and agitated. It can cause you to act in ways that are out of character. How are you feeling these days? What does your mental state expressions, say about you right now?
Too many people today are having break downs that say a lot about where they are mentally. When there is an investigation after the break down happens, there is always evidence that shows their mental wellbeing was not healthy. So many indicators that there was wrong or distorted thinking going on. Showing that this person was not walking in freedom. They had been held captive by external factors that effected their internal factor, their mind. Then their actions exposed their mental state. Their unseen realm.
Internal factor, external factors, what are you talking about, you say? Well, there is always cause and effect. Most often, what’s going on inside can be affected by what’s going on outside. Then what’s going on outside, can affect what’s going on inside. You know the saying of “is it the chicken or the egg that comes first?”
How you think (internal) affects how much freedom you walk in. What you do (external), because of how you think also affects how much freedom you walk in. They do affect each other.
We can’t see what’s going on in a person’s mind until they either speak or do something. This is when they are exposed. Intake has a lot to do with output. What are you intaking today?
Why Your Mind Is a Battle Ground
Do you ever stop to think about what you think about? If not, it might be a good thing to do. Well, what are you thinking about right now? Good thoughts, crazy thoughts, bad thoughts etc. What do these thoughts make you want to do? The unseen realm at work.
I say, “make you want to do.” Why do I state it this way. Well, look at what happens when you are watching a food commercial. If it’s something that you like, and most of the time it is. You start to want what you are seeing. Thoughts start to come to mind. “That would be good right now.” “I am so hungry.” “That looks so good”, etc. Most of the time, you end up going to get it. This is the power of suggestion. The battle ground.
Freedom comes in when you can operate in self control and not give into every suggestion. When you can say, “no”, instead of “I can’t help it”, you are walking out freedom. Yay, for you!
There are a lot of things that’s competing for your attention. Your environment. Your job. Your family. Your spouse or significant other. Your social media. Your children. Your friends. However, the main one is Yourself.
Without you knowing it, you are the one that competes against yourself the most. How so, you may say?
Well, think about it. When you are getting dressed in the morning, do you dress like you really want to dress or is there a thought in your mind that has to do with how others may see you? Is there a thought that you have to impress others with how you look? Is there a thought about how you want to come across to others? This is the battle ground. The back and forth in your mind. Reflect on that. Be real about it! Who wins from these thoughts, you or the “other”? How free are you really?
Intended Life Vs Lived Life
Who are you letting win in your mind? We can see it in your life. The type of car you have. The kinds of movies and tv shows you watch. The types of foods you eat. The words that come out of your mouth. The people you hang around., etc. What really reflects the real you?
There is a certain life you should be living. Are you living it? Wait, what does “should be living” mean? Well, God created you for a purpose. Do you know what it is? Purpose that blesses others. That thinks about others. That cares about others. That puts others first. That shows compassion. That shows love. That encourages. And so much more.
These are a part the foundation to your purpose. You being free from bondage to be free to express these things, is important. Bondage would be the opposite of these things. Not being compassionate or showing love. Not caring about others. Not putting others first. This is bondage you should want to be free from.
You are so much more than you think. Your greatness and ability is so vast. Don’t live your life less than what it is intended to be. You have so much to give, and your uniqueness can be a blessing to so many people. Only as long as you walk in the freedom that is available for you to walk in. Let your freedom ring!
4 Ways To Know You Are Truly Free
1. You are able to not hold a grudge when someone wrongs you.
2. You are able to love those who look/are different than you.
3. You are able to do what is right regardless of personal loss.
4. You are able to put others needs before your own.
Why are these 4 things indicators of truly being free. Well, because they take the act of selflessness to be enacted. This is a foundational element of being free, selflessness. You do what you do for the sake of others first. No need for repayment, but just because you care.
Now there are other indicators, but I just wanted to point out these.
This is so powerful! We need much more of this type of expression in the world today, don’t you think? Wow, how different would the world be right now, if this was the case.
When you look at these 4 things, how do you fare? Is there some self-reflection that has to take place? If so, that is great. Take the time to do it. It’s for your benefit. If you are there already, great. Take the time to grow in walking them out even more. Or find other ones that take you more out of your comfort zone and being selfless. It’s beneficial!
Freedom is yours! You are able to put others before you and be ok with it. You are able to let things go when you are wronged or cheated. You are able to be the bigger person in a disagreement. You are able to think and do positive things. You are able!
Be Free!