by Jannett Morrow
/rəˈflekt/ - verb
2. think deeply or carefully about. (www.google.com)
May the real you please stand! When you look in the mirror these days, who do you see? If you are real with yourself, is it you or someone else? Someone else’s attitude? Someone else’s hair? Someone else’s body? Someone else’s face? etc. These are weird questions, right? Yeah, but they lead to my point. Are you really you?
These days, it’s seeming to be so much more about having what others have and looking like others look. What is this all about? Where has the “you being you” gone? Advertising, merchandising, cosmetic services, etc. are so much leading the way in making people feel less than they are.
They are saying to you that you are ugly, to small, not attractive, not successful, not trendy, etc. Not true!
Oh my, all the lies that are out there!
More and more moving away from your authentic, unique self. Unique and authentic, what’s that? Why does this not seem to be ok. Does it seem like, you cannot be yourself? Like you have to sound like others? You have to have the same ideas as others? You have to do what others do? You have to think like others think? You have to see things like others see things? Do you feel this way?
All of this is the opposite of being yourself. Being your true self. There is something to be said about you being your true self. You being able to have your own opinion. You being able to express yourself in a respectful way.
Why is it trying to become ok, that your voice or your authenticity or unique self, does not matter? It’s not ok!
Your body size needs to look different. Your face needs to look different. Your hair needs to look different. Your skin color needs to look different. You need to be different. My goodness!
You know, God has created us all different for a reason. He is all about diversity and uniqueness. This is where we can learn new things. Explore differences that we are not normally aware of. This is a good thing.
There is such beauty in things being different and looking different. We see this in the different seasons that we experience. We see this in the differences in the fashion industry, such variety. Differences are important and ok. Don’t you think?
Social Media Switcheroo
Take “their” truth instead of “the” truth. This is the false narrative of the day. You can’t think for yourself, they have to think for you. Wow, what a thought!
Can the real you stand up please!
Are your thoughts, your thoughts? The way you respond to certain people, is it really your response? Where you go or don’t go, is it really your choice? How you see certain people, is it really your perception or someone else’s? You need to ask yourself these questions and answer them. It’s good to know.
Did you know the real you is smart. The real you has a lot to offer. The real you is lovable. The real you is beautiful. The real you is handsome. The real you can think for yourself.
All the time spent on social media, begins to infiltrate your very person. Starts to waste your time. Also begins to help you with how you make decisions and choose things in your life. How so, you may ask? Well, research shows, that since 2005, social media usage has risen about 70% from 5%. Wow!
This says a whole lot about the impact it can be having in our lives. Just like there is concern about how much screen time can affect young children. There should be the same concern for us as adults and the effects of the amount of social media consumption has in our lives.
Screen time, anyone! There is an effect.
The switcheroo comes in because, at first, it was supposed to be something that helped us to connect better with each other. However, now, it dictates how we navigate through every aspect of our lives. It’s steals time and can lead you into doing things that you may not normally do. How helpful is this for the health of your self-image? The God created you is waiting to come out.
Is Authenticity Real These Days?
TV glamor. Music culture. Lies received as truth. Drama and discord becoming common place. All of these things are affecting how we live. How we interact with each other. How we see each other. Wanting what each other has. Sometimes stealing and killing to get it. People not being ok with being themselves. Looking like themselves. Creating false realities of themselves to look good to others. The real you matters and is important!
Nothing wrong with enhancements. However, when enhancements make you look totally different, there may be something more going on. You have to investigate.
You are great the way you are. There is a uniqueness about you that needs to be celebrated. Don’t you think? I don’t know you, but I think so. Do you know what your uniqueness is? You have been fearfully and wonderfully made by God.
Where do you get your personal life influence from? Is it through the tv shows you watch? The politics you follow? Through the people you hang around? Through the books you read? Through the lives you follow? Do these things really help you with reality? Do they help you see things in your life as they really are. Take a minute to reflect on that.
What is your true identity? Does it matter? Does it effect your life if you don’t know it? For sure it matters. It does affect your life if you are not in your true identity. We can see this in the climate of the day. Too many people are letting others tell them who they are and what they should think. How they should behave.
It would be ok, to a degree, if these things were leading to kindness and love being expressed. However, that is not where it’s leading people. Instead, people are being led into hate, fear, and chaos. Confusion and disorder.
Can you see this? This is not the direction we should be going in. There is a such thing as a “right direction”. There really is!
When You Reflect
Do you compare yourself to others? Are you competing with others, and you don’t even know it? Can you be real about this?
Do you talk to yourself? Why or why not? If you do, you are not crazy. If you don’t, you should try it. It’s better to affirm yourself in what is true. Instead of not recognizing all of the subliminal messaging that tries to feed you lies about yourself.
We are like sponges. We say that a lot, about children, but for adults, it’s also true. We soak up what’s around us. If we are squeezed, it shows what’s inside.
What comes out of you when you are squeezed, be real about it? Is it happiness, joy, laughter, compassion? Or is it, hate, disgust, rage, unforgiveness? Which ones help you not to stress? Which ones give you a better out look on life, no matter what’s going on?
Stress is so common and accepted as a way of life these days. A little stress is good for you, some may say. Um, I don’t think so! I think sometimes we mix up pressure with stress. A little pressure on you to move you forward is better than a little stress. A little stress can add to anxiety, and have you stuck. Whereas pressure can help to move you towards getting rid of anxiety and not be stuck.
Pressure is a better motivator than stress. Stress is more of a weight, a tension, not good. Pressure is more of a push, a nudge, in a certain direction, hopefully the right direction, which can be good.
Do you have stress or pressure today?
Does It Seem Like You Are You?
What does your hand and finger memory, say about you, as you wake up in the morning? As soon as you get a free moment in the day, where do they automatically go? Take a moment and reflect on that. This will show you if you are the one that’s really making choices in your life or if you are allowing external forces to make them for you.
Do we take a moment to think of what confusion is? Not really! Go this way. No go that way. Eat this. No don’t eat that. Think this way. No think that way. Wow! What are you really to do?
Confusion can cause you to make wrong decisions. Decisions that have unintended consequences. Decisions that have you looking at yourself in the wrong way. Decisions that can lead you into a life you were not created to live. This is why we have to take time to reflect on our lives and see what is really driving us. Let’s think soberly.
When we don’t, years can pass by and then we look back and say, “have I really experienced life as I was supposed to?” The answer may be, no! You have time now to reflect on this and make any needed changes.
You are worth the time. You are more than others think you are. You don’t deserve to be miserable in life. Life is to be enjoyed and experienced to the full. You only have one shot at it. Choose to live it in your authentic self. Not a carbon copy, but an original you. Growing and flourishing in who you are intended to be. Your uniqueness counts!
Be Authentic!