by Jannett Morrow
M.I.A. - noun
Missing in action
Where are you Man of Valor? Man of Virtue? Man of Integrity? Man of Justice? Where are you? These days there is a lot going on and the majority of the chaos and confusion is being caused by men.
Heads of countries choosing to go against other countries. Unwise decisions made by men. Government officials as representatives of their states choosing to lie about simple things in order to get elected. Unwise decisions made by men. Husbands choosing to do harm to their family because they are not happy. Unwise decisions made by men. Children only being reared by their mothers or females. Unwise decisions by men.
The fact that a lot of leaders in various positions in this world are men, and some are not operating in compassion, caring or common courtesy, is a troubling thing. They want authority and power, but when given it, they seem to abuse it. Why is this? What’s really going on?
As human beings male or female, God has given us the desires to belong and be loved. When these desires are not met or are manipulated, there can be a void left that needs to be filled. However, it’s a void that can only be filled with who God is. Knowing Him, helps you as a man or a woman, to behave in such a way that helps you and helps others. This is where peace and contentment resides, no matter what is going on. He needs to be in the center, not taken out of the center.
Too many men are trying fill this void with wrong things. Ruling over people. Dictating over people. Stealing from people. Manipulating people. Lying to people and much more. These things show weakness, not strength. They show lack of confidence and ability. They show lack of competence and effectiveness. These things are not the qualities of a good leader. Where are you mighty man?
Statistics, according to en.wikiapedia.org, shows that approximately 80.4% of violent crimes committed are by men. They also show that vast majority of homicides, 89.5%, are men. Males constituted for 98.9% for forcible rape. 87.9% for robbery. 85.0% for burglary. 83.0% for arson. 81.7% for vandalism and 81.5% for motor-vehicle thefts. Wow, this is not good!
This is the state that some men have the world in. We need you mighty man to stand up!
No more M.I.A.!
Then there is the epidemic of men not taking care of the children they helped to bring into this world, is so alarming. Census data shows that, 80% of single-parent headed households are moms or 21% of U.S. children live primarily with a single mother. Why is this so? Why do so many men feel it’s ok to not be present to help take care of who they helped bring into the world?
A child needs both parents to help them grow and develop properly. It was never God’s intention that only one parent takes care of children that have been brought into the world, by two. This is a perverted viewpoint of men thinking that women should be able to handle this responsibility on their own. Not so! Your healthy participation is requested and required!
Your Presence Is Needed Now!
There are abilities that has been given to all of us. No matter where we live in the world, life still goes on. Jobs need to filled. Businesses need to be run. Children need to be raised. Classes need to be taught. Products need to be made. Governments need to be run, etc.
It’s the same thing anywhere in the world. With this being said, seeing that most of the time, the heads or leaders of these entities are men, it’s important to explore their ability to lead.
For a car to run smoothly, it needs to have all of its facets working properly. There needs to be gas in the tank. The transmission needs to be in order. The tires need to have air in them. The key is needed for the ignition. The gears need to be able to be shifted, etc. All aspects need to be in working order for you to get proper use of the car.
We can apply this same logic to how a man, as a leader, needs to function. He needs to be of a sound mind. He needs to be one that speaks positively and encouraging. He needs to fill himself with natural and spiritual food that keeps him healthy and strong. He needs to keep himself informed with the needs of those he is leading, etc.
All of the things are needed in order for him to operate in a proper manner that’s helpful for him and others. I am zeroing in on men right now, because of what seems to be the lack of real men standing up in their rightful places to be who society needs them to be.
Women are able to do some things that men are able to do, however, there are some things God has not created women to do. Therefore, men need to step up in their God given roles and relieve women of those unwarranted pressures.
This type of man is needed on the scene right now! Too many times when it’s time for things to get done, volunteering to happen, etc., it’s the women who stand up to do everything. Really! Where are you men?
Unfortunately, too many men are not functioning in a way that is helpful for themselves or anyone else.
Strung out on drugs. Addicted to various things. Mind not right. Focus is not on what’s important. Seeking only to please themselves. Not being present for their children. Looking to gain money by any means. Looking to take what others have just because. No care about the welfare of others and much more. This is not a way to live, nor a way to lead. Can the real men stand up now! No more M.I.A.!
Man of Valor
Be real about it, we all want leaders who have good character. We understand that with this value present, it leads to a better way of life for everyone. Operating in good character says that you care about the wellbeing of others and it’s not all about you. Yes, this is what is needed!
Society needs men of valor right now. This type of man understands that he plays a big part in making sure, that if they have children, they are well rounded and provided for. That they honor their word and stick to doing what is right above their own wants and desires.
They understand the importance of work and not being lazy. The notion that they are not to be mooching off of others but holding their own.
They understand the notion that putting others’ lives before theirs is a noble good character trait. This kind of man has a vision of seeing others succeed, being protected, and guarded. Yes, to this type of man standing up now!
Man of Virtue
We all need leaders, again, given that a lot of leaders are men, who have a heart to do right by people. Not looking to get over on people and only look out for themselves. A man that is genuinely concerned about how others are living and getting by in life.
This type of man understands that we all can help each other live lives that are productive and helpful to society. He understands that when one person is affected, someone else can be affected also.
This type of man is not looking for attention nor fame but looking to make sure that the best in others is appreciated and acknowledged. He knows that everyone likes to be noticed and shines the light on others instead of himself.
This kind of man has a vision of making sure that what is needed for a thriving community, society, and world, to be at work, he has to in some way, provide for it and does so. Yes, to this type of man standing up now!
Man of Integrity
We need men that are willing to put others before themselves. Men who don’t mind not getting all of the attention and having their needs and wants met. Men that are ok with being real with themselves and their feeling and sharing when they need help and seek after it. Real men that prefer to be honest and truthful for the sake of keeping himself healthy and strong, instead of lying and being ok with that.
This kind of man understands that having good character is valuable and worth having. He understands that being a man of integrity lends him the label of being trustworthy. A man that has his priorities straight and willing to make sure he is not selfish.
This type of man understands that being truthful is a better way to live than to be dishonest, controlling and manipulative. He understands that being an honest man has better rewards than being a man that is not, no matter what.
This kind of man has a vision for making sure that there is fairness for everyone. Yes, to this type of man standing up now!
Man of Justice
We need men that are willing to stand up to what is right and against what is wrong. A man that does not show one set of rules for one and another set for another. A man that is willing to say he is wrong when he is wrong and willing to correct himself when he is shown to be wrong.
Too many men are not humble enough to get out of their ego and admit to any error in their ways. It’s always someone else’s fault when thing goes wrong, or something happens. It’s never anything they did that may have caused any issues.
This type of mindset does not give room to positive change happening in their life. It just lends itself to moving on from next thing to next thing. Not an effective way to live.
Society needs men that understand that delivering justice for all is how things should be. Men that are ok with not showing partiality to certain people. Men who are willing to expose wrongdoing and then do something about it.
This kind of man has a vision that having a society where right is right and wrong is wrong is a better and more healthy way to live a prosperous life. Yes, to this type of man standing up now!
Are You The Mighty Man The World Is Looking For? Stand Up Please!
Now, of course I know there are some of you out there. A round of applause for you who have stood up and are standing up and doing the right thing! Keep up the great work!
However, I also know there are more of you out there that have not stood up, nor are not standing up and doing the right thing.
We need you ALL to stand up now!
All of you standing up and being the mighty men, you are called to be will make a significant difference. The world would be a better place.
Studies show that if men were to do the right thing and a least be the fathers they are supposed to be, society will be better off. Can you imagine that a lot of the world’s problems can be fixed if men are walking in their rightful position. Walking in their proper mindset. Wow, what a world it can be!
Active, concerned and engaged men, in all aspects of life, are real men. They are mighty men of valor, integrity, virtue, and justice. This is a great responsibility God has placed on the shoulders of men. However, this responsibility is to be shared with God, not to be done alone. His strength, not yours.
Don’t allow your positive influence to be silenced or taken away. The world needs you to stand up and be counted. Your contribution is valuable and beneficial.
You are able to make the right decision that is best for all. Will you make that right decision today?
Stand up you mighty man, the world needs you now!
Be Counted!