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Celebrate: Why You Deserve Special Treatment

by Jannett Morrow


/ˈseləˌbrāt/ - verb

1. acknowledge (a significant or happy day or event) with a social gathering or enjoyable activity.


How do you feel when you pamper yourself? Have you ever really pampered yourself? How much love do you show towards yourself? How often do you celebrate you? Do you know you matter also? Well, you do!

Nine in Ten (89%) of Americans say it’s important to celebrate birthdays. 85% say it’s important to feel special when others put lots of energy into celebrating their birthday. Why do you think these statistics are what they are? Well, I think it’s because we all like to feel special. This is a God given emotion. A sense of belonging and that you matter.

How many enjoyable moments have you made happen for yourself today? Do you wait for others to make you feel special? Even as you had to work today, had to take care of your family and your responsibilities, did you think about you? I hope so! If not, there is still time. Go look in the mirror and let yourself know, how much you matter.

You deserve some good affirming words to come into your hearing. “You are beautiful!”, “You are smart!”, “You are loving and caring!”, “You are worth being loved!”, “You are a good provider!”, “You have a lot to offer!”, and much more. I hope you believe this. They are all true!

Take inventory on the level of your self-esteem. This helps you to recognize when you need to encourage yourself, by what you say to yourself. Is it high or low? Why is this important to know? Well, again, it helps you to know where you need to be refilled. If, your esteem is low, start doing somethings to help build it up. If, it is high, then continue to maintain it. Either way, you deserve to feel good about yourself. Celebrate who you are!

Be Selfish For A Moment

Acknowledge yourself as important and significant. Let yourself know that you are smart and capable of doing many impactful things. You can make an effective difference in your life and in the lives of others. Know that what you have to say does count for something. You are all that!

You being purposeful about thinking about your needs, is a good thing. It’s not always about others. I know I am talking about you a lot, that’s the point, it’s about you too! Put yourself in the equation also.

You taking a moment to think about you, does not diminish others. On the contrary, it’s help you see them better. Why is this, you ask? Well, when you take time to love yourself, think about who you are and reflect on your good qualities, it gives you a different lens to see others from. Usually, more positively.

Have “just because” moments for yourself. Go to a movie. Go out to dinner. Go to a riverwalk or go on a walk in a nice area. Get out and explore, by yourself. By myself, you say? Yes, by yourself! Be safe but get out and be with yourself. You are fun to be with!

Spend time with you alone. You do the same with your significant other, why not be intimate with yourself (side note: intimate does not always mean sexual. It also means, spending quality time with), just the same. Now, no crazy stuff here, but you know what I am getting at. Hang out with you, boo! You are worth the time and attention!

Do you really know you? What types of thigs do you like to do? What new thing would you like to know how to do? What new place would you like to visit that’s close to you? What other country would you like to visit and why? Take the time to learn more about yourself. Be real about it, you know you deserve some special treatment!

When You Want To Scream

Man, when those moments come where you want to scream or throw something! STOP, take a moment, breath in and out about 3 times and then reflect on a better course of action for your response. Sometimes screaming can help you release some of the pressure, I will admit, but throwing something, not so much. That may just add negatively to the moment.

How does any of this celebrate you? Well, it gives you a moment to reflect on the best way for you to not be stressed and handle a given situation that may arise. What works best for you. Trying to find other ways that are more useful to manage these moments is so important. This also acknowledges that you are different and may not handle things like others might. This is ok if it’s a healthy way.

You deserve to live life stress free. However, you choice whether that is how you want to live. Now how can life be stress free? Is this really possible? Well, it can be and it’s possible! We are just not use to it, because of the choices we make. Choices like, over thinking, foreboding, over caring about what people think, looking at ourselves as less than. Also, working too much and not relaxing, overeating that leads to health issues. Not forgiving people and keeping grudges, etc. These things can cause a stress filled life.

Wait, these are choices that can lead to stress? Well, yes!

Take a moment to shift your focus. You deserve special treatment. Give yourself the gift of forgiveness. The gift of letting go of grudges. The gift of knowing you are good enough. The gift of eating healthy. The gift of slowing down and thinking on positive things. I can go on and on. Give yourself a gift! Stress-less life!

Who Takes Care Of You?

Self-care is so important for you. It may seem foolish but loving yourself is a very key part of your overall health. The best person to take care of you, is you. No one knows you better, than you. You know your likes and dislikes. Your wants and desires. Your abilities and skills. You know you!

Sit down and take a moment to reflect on who you are and what you like to do. Make a list of about 10 things. Find ways to incorporate these things throughout your week. Why do this? Well, because you love yourself and you want to treat yourself well. Celebrate yourself!

Who can really take care of you, better than you? For sure, God can, but other than Him, you! When no one is around, who is left, you! If all of this talk is making you uncomfortable, then maybe you should reflect on how you see yourself. What you deserve. What it really means to celebrate you. This is so good for walking out a fulfilling life that is not just external, but internal also. Remember, you live from the inside out.

Why You Deserve Special Treatment

You are special! You are worth it! You matter! Others are not more important than you! There are a lot of good things about you! You are made fearfully and wonderfully by God! You must know and believe that.

Do you think you are special? Do you think you are worth it? Hopefully, you do! Do you think others are more important than you? Hopefully you know this is not true! You should remind yourself of this often. Again, you are special! You are worth it! No one is more important than you!

There are many products that have you in mind and want to help remind you to think about yourself. To help you take time for you. Because men and women are different with their needs, but still need to be mindful of how they are treating themselves, there are different types of products to help in this mental exercise process. Thinking about yourself, if you are not used to doing so, is truly a mental exercise. Let’s practice!

Pick a day for a date night this week. Look into some of these products to be a part of your special night. Things to help you get in the mood. Oil-diffusers are one. Herbal teas are another. How about getting a good book to read, not just for decoration to put on the shelf. Or maybe getting a good movie. This one can help, take a stroll, and watch the sunset. This one also, getting a cup of tea or coffee and listening to some soft music, inside or outside. How will your date night look like? Be creative!

Once you are done, take a moment to reflect on your day/night and journal how it made you feel. Was this experience different for you? Will you do it again? Why or why not? Did you learn anything new about yourself? Write down your thoughts. Reflect on them. Repeat frequently!

This is such a great exercise to do often, to get you out of the same old, same old. This exercise can lead to experiencing more of what life has to offer you and learning more about you. Celebrate you and Explore!

You are unique. You are loveable. You are a great role model. You are resourceful. You are very talented. You are a strong athlete. You are an innovator. You are a trail blazer. You are an ambitious leader. I can go on and on here.

Don’t sell yourself short with thinking that you are less than you really are. Take time to know you. Let yourself know how much you appreciate you! Your value is great, and you do matter! Celebrate you!

You’re Loved!


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